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What began as a simple conversation between a elementary school teacher and a Wake Forest student has been transformed into one of the most well-known annual philanthropy events on campus. 

When it was discovered that only four of her twenty students were passing math, a fifth grade teacher at Old Town Elementary School decided she needed to find the problem and solve it. Seeing that those who were doing well were doing so much to the benefit of strong parental support, she and Wake Forest students came up with a plan to help out those who may have not been receiving the support they needed. 


Every year, almost 50 different student organizations join forces on campus to paint desks for children in the local Winston-Salem community. The area is always abuzz with music, games, and prizes. Nearly 500 Wake Forest students paint alongside their sponsored child at the event.


The idea behind D.E.S.K. is to provide a unique working environment for students to use in their own home. We have seen inthe past that the children whom we reach out to truly appreciate the effort that goes into their new personalized desk, but are also positively affected by the connection each of them makes with his or her sponsoring team.


Additionally, D.E.S.K. intends to solidify positive study habits by establishing more educational support in the home. We provide some school supplies and a grade-level appropriate book, as well as an assignment book, to better enable students and parents to achieve academic excellence through utilizing their own home environment. 


​We aim to bring the campus together to recognize how important and good education is. The event is a way to make Wake students more aware of the needs within the community and to enjoy an afternoon of fun and creativity. D.E.S.K is a powerful step towards making our motto, "Pro Humaniatate," come to life. Every student at Wake Forest has been fortunate enough to have been given a solid education that has prepared them for life, and every child deserves the same!

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In The



WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- Students at Wake Forest University painted desks Wednesday to give to local elementary students.
April 16, 2014​

Her Campus


Behind the D.E.S.K. with 2015 Co-Chairs Kelsey Drusch & Sarah Vivenzio​

February 12, 2015

WFU News Center

Media Advisory: Wake Forest students decorate desks for children
April 14, 2015​

Photos by Ken Bennett
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